Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Welcome back~!

It's been awhile since I last updated. Again another new year has come and gone. And how different is it this year compare to the others? Well CNY this year seem rather short. Time spend with cousins was also much shorter since most of us are already working. Hmmm.....hopefully for the coming events we can spend even more time. Can't wait for June to come around. 

What does the new year brings for me? Well lets see, I'm currently back to reading storybooks. A hobby which I've abandoned for a couple of years now. Currently am addicted to Lauren Kate's books. It all started with Fallen which I read last month. Now am continuing the sequel, Torment. Not done yet but should be soon. Can't wait for the 3rd book to be release!!!! Passion~* Which is believed to be out in June~!!!

Now why does all the good things come in June. Well I guess I'll have to just stay hopeful now :)

Saturday, January 01, 2011

F*** off~!

All I get from you are lies. One after another. You call yourself friends. Fake friends more like it. REAL friends don't do this kind of things~! If you did not want me to join in your sessions or what ever meet up don't bother calling me ok~! Stop pretending to call yet inside your heart you do not even want me to go! Fuck off la~!