Saturday, February 03, 2007

Bad day

Today I sat for my Basic Audit (BA) paper......I was already frust cause I did not study much and was not confidence enough when I did the paper. Its a 2 hour paper......when I first read the questions I already feel like puking blood!!! The questions are so tough!!! *sigh* I can't change the questions so I just DO my best by crapping what ever I can think of.....hopefully I'll pass the paper.....its bad enough already and when I left the hall to get my BA notes was MIA!!!! some fella so smart go and take my notes!!!! (><) I mean how can you not know if the notes doesnt belong to you????? I know BA almost kill you (whoever you are) but you're not the only person ok!!!! damn it!!! don't go simply take other people's things la!!! open your eyes BIG BIG!!! Well I've got 2 more papers to go before my holiday.............hmmm.........guess I'll just stop here....lazy wana update lately.....

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