Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Well its been a week and a half of my holiday.....been staying home playing pc games alot. Lol. Last week was a little sad cause 3 person whom I seldom get to meet have left for UK. Yes all 3 in the same week......different day thou. Its part of life.....I sure we will meet again 1 day. "pool kaki"

Also lately been surfing found alot of nice songs from 5566's album Bravo.

The album's track listing are :

1. 喝彩北京 ( He Cai Beijing)

2. 漫游中國 (Man You Zhong Guo )

3. 不辣不辣 (Bu La Bu La)

4. 月兒光光 (Yue Liang Kuang Kuang)

5. 我的背后 (Wo De Bei Hou)

6. 小小小孩 (Xiao Xiao Xiao Hai)

7. 誤會大啦 (Wu Hui Da La)

8. 心如刀割 (Xin Ru Dao Ge)

9. 青鳥 (Qing Niao)


My favourite song from the Bravo album;

漫游中國 - 5566

Another song for the Beijing 2008;

5566 feat Tai Ji - One World One Dream


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